Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

There has been a significant shift in a case that caused quite a stir in Israel, police sources have told several media outlets, suggesting that recently there has been a dramatic and significant turnaround in one of the cases being investigated by the security forces. The new development, shared by the Police and the Shin Bet, resulted from a series of discussions, which created significant progress. That’s all they leaked for now, before imposing a gag order on further details pertaining to the case.

This is not the first time the security apparatus, from the Israeli defense minister down, have issued optimistic predictions regarding the imminent solving of tough and politically poisonous cases, usually in response to pressure from interest groups demanding answers. The main difference between times when the security forces actually solve a case and when they issue those optimistic leaks is that in the former they actually solve the case.


“It is estimated that the gag order will dissolve in the next few days and then we will be able to report the new information,” wrote the Channel 2 News website, adding, “It should be emphasized that this is a dramatic turn in one of the most exciting episodes in recent times.” But, alas, “The prosecution and the courts have not confirmed publishing any further details.”

Just a few days ago a senior IDF officer insisted that security forces had managed to thwart several acts planned by Jewish terror groups. “There is an ongoing effort to uncover the perpetrators of various crimes. We have foiled acts of Jewish terror, even in recent weeks,” said the officer.

So the countdown begins: will police and the Shin Bet actually deliver the goods this time, real, live Jewish terrorists, complete with hard evidence against them? We’d love to tell you, but there’s a gag order.

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