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Avraham Yair Yared

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Sunday morning extended the administrative detention of Avraham Yair Yared, a resident of Samaria, by an additional 3 months, just hours before he was to be released from a 4-month administrative detention, Kol Barama Radio reporter Mendi Rizel tweeted. Yared was going to get married next month, but the extension of his detention postponed the wedding yet again.

“By the way, last night’s terrorist from Huawara is still at large,” Rizel noted (see: 2 IDF Soldiers Wounded in Third Terror Attack in Huwara in Three Weeks).


Avraham is the brother of Elisha Yared, the spokesman for Otzma Yehudit MK Limor Son Har Melech.

Four months ago, Yared was arrested on an administrative arrest warrant, despite a court ruling to release him. He was scheduled to be released from administrative custody Sunday morning when Minister Gallant decreed that he remain behind bars – without charges against him.

Yared’s parents attacked the defense minister Sunday morning, saying: “One day after a third shooting attack in Huawara, while in the settlements of Samaria, we are counting the murdered and the wounded, we were informed this morning that the defense minister, who has practically abandoned us in recent months, decided to show his determination against his kin and in an act of unimaginable evil extended the administrative detention for another three months.”

“This breaks new records of evil and wickedness on the part of a defense minister who was elected by right-wing voters, and managed in a short time to earn the dubious title of holding the largest number of Jews in administrative detention in the past 30 years,” Yared’s parents continued. “As residents of Samaria that you abandoned to their fate and as the parents of a boy who experienced your criminal policy firsthand, we call on you: give back the keys and go home today. You failed miserably and destroyed with your own hands the right’s election achievement while completely joining the left.”

Honenu attorney Adi Keidar stated: “Minister Gallant should be precluded from making decisions regarding administrative detentions as long as his own conduct in the field endangers the lives of civilians in Judea and Samaria and castrates the ability of the soldiers in the field.”

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