Photo Credit: Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90
Hundreds of Israelis wait in line to donate type O blood at Ichilov hospital in Tel Aviv, October 7, 2023.

Representatives of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Union Camp Chairman Benny Gantz are meeting Monday morning to discuss establishing an emergency government. A source in the talks told Kan 11 News: “An emergency government will be established quickly or it won’t be established at all.”

Gantz stated that his faction is ready to join a national emergency government: “If we are given a real opportunity to influence the war – we will show up, if not, we will support every responsible move from the outside.”


Meanwhile, Justice Minister Yariv Levin and Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri are in talks with the opposition on establishing an emergency government.

Religious Zionism Chairman, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said: “Unity and cohesion are the order of the hour to defeat our enemies. Let’s leave aside teams and negotiations. I call on Prime Minister Netanyahu and Benny Gantz to rise to the occasion, meet immediately, and agree on the establishment of a national emergency government that will unite the people, raise the spirit, provide full support to the IDF, and bring about the complete elimination of Hamas and the terrorist organizations in Gaza.”

Otzma Yehudit Chairman, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir said: “As long as the basis for entering the government is an agreement that the goal set by the government for the IDF is a total defeat and crushing of the military and governmental power of Hamas, Otzma Yehudit will welcome such a broad emergency government. Israel is in an emergency. We must unite and win.”

Israel Beitenu Chairman MK Avigdor Liberman said on Sunday: “Israel must win. If the prime minister, the defense minister, and the IDF chief of staff stand in front of the cameras and inform the people of Israel that the government has decided to eliminate the terrorist organization Hamas and all the terrorist leaders, and will not settle for anything less than that, I will join a national emergency government without any conditions.”

Liberman suggested the steps the government should take: “1. We must demand that the Egyptians close the Rafah crossing immediately, the crossing is still open and through it enter goods and fuel that serve Hamas in fighting against us; 2. We must make it clear to the Qataris that there are no more transfers of funds to the Gaza Strip, because those who benefit and receive tremendous support from the public for the transfer of funds, for the entry of day workers into Israel, and the expansion of the fishing area are the leaders of Hamas who control the Strip.

“At the same time, it must be made clear to the Gazan public that stopping the flow of funds from the Qataris, the reduction of the fishing area to a minimum, stopping the day workers’ entry into Israel, and the closing of the Kerem Shalom crossing for goods and fuel are all because of the Hamas leadership.”

Only Yesh Atid Chairman and Opposition Leader MK Yair Lapid conditioned his joining a unity government on Netanyahu’s sacking of both Smotrich and Ben Gvir.

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