Photo Credit: Nasser Ishtayeh/FLASH90
Arab terrorist preparing to throw a Molotov cocktail at passing Israeli cars in Huwara, February 9, 2018.

Yossi Dagan, Head of the Samaria Regional Council, on Sunday morning, announced that he is moving his office to Einabus Square in the terror-infested town of Huwara outside Shechem.

Addressing the residents of the eastern slopes of the Samaria mountains, Dagan said: “This is the third time in less than a month that a serious shooting attack has taken place here. Hallel and Yagel Yaniv Hy’d were murdered here, David Stern miraculously saved his life and his wife’s life thanks to his resourcefulness. And now there was an attack on two soldiers. We feel abandoned.


“This morning I am moving my office to the Einabus Square in Huawara, together with the heads of the settlement councils Gev Hahar (the eastern slopes), in protest of the lawlessness in the area. We demand the return of security checkpoints for the vehicles leaving Shechem, and not only for a short time just after the most recent attack,” Dagan said.

He added: “We demand the prevention of the traffic jams in Huawara whether by closing down shops or blocking roads.”

Arab terrorists have taken advantage of those traffic jam to shoot into Israeli cars that were trapped on Huwara’s main drag.

“We demand military action against the terrorist infrastructure to collect weapons, and resume blocking the terrorists’ free access,” Dagan said. “We will not accept the neglect of our residents here in Samaria and anywhere else. Unfortunately, the lack of change from this government is beginning to feel like neglect.”

He noted that his office will operate starting at 11:00 AM at Einabus Square, and then at the Yitzhar intersection.

The Gav Hahar area includes some 70,000 Arabs in about 11 villages, and 8,500 Jews in the communities of Itamar, Alon Moreh, Har Bracha, and Yitzhar, as well as many outposts and farms.

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