Photo Credit: courtesy IIBR / MOD
Israeli coronavirus vaccine samples at the Israel Institute of Biological Research (IIBR)
Which Vaccine Would You Prefer to Take?
  • Moderna 35%, 90 votes
    90 votes 35%
    90 votes - 35% of all votes
  • Pfizer-BioNTech 29%, 75 votes
    75 votes 29%
    75 votes - 29% of all votes
  • Oxford/AstraZeneca 14%, 36 votes
    36 votes 14%
    36 votes - 14% of all votes
  • Ness Ziona/Brilife 14%, 35 votes
    35 votes 14%
    35 votes - 14% of all votes
  • Gamaleya/Sputnik 5 8%, 21 vote
    21 vote 8%
    21 vote - 8% of all votes
Total Votes: 257
November 21, 2020 - December 13, 2020
Voting is closed

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