Photo Credit: Pixabay / Wiggijo
New York City

NYC Democratic primaries are on June 22, 2021.

Who Do You Want as the Next Mayor of New York City?
  • Eric Adams 36%, 134 votes
    134 votes 36%
    134 votes - 36% of all votes
  • Other 23%, 85 votes
    85 votes 23%
    85 votes - 23% of all votes
  • Andrew Yang 21%, 78 votes
    78 votes 21%
    78 votes - 21% of all votes
  • Undecided 10%, 36 votes
    36 votes 10%
    36 votes - 10% of all votes
  • Kathryn Garcia 5%, 18 votes
    18 votes 5%
    18 votes - 5% of all votes
  • Scott Stringer 3%, 10 votes
    10 votes 3%
    10 votes - 3% of all votes
  • Maya Wiley 2%, 9 votes
    9 votes 2%
    9 votes - 2% of all votes
Total Votes: 370
June 9, 2021 - June 22, 2021
Voting is closed

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