Photo Credit: Gur Nedzebiski

Gush Etzion will proudly be hosting Israel’s 2022 Naginata Championships, this Friday, Dec. 23.

“Naginata” is a Japanese martial art utilizing the ancient Samurai pole weapon by the same name.


Participants will be arriving to compete at the event from all around the country along with competitors from the Swiss Naginata team.


Special guest Katie Roche, a Sensei of the GNFNY (Greater Naginata Federation of New York) will be in attendance at the tournament, making a special trip to Israel for the event.

Gush Etzion Regional Council Head, and Chairman of the Yesha Council, Shlomo Ne’eman, said: “Gush Etzion is a leader in many fields. It’s wonderful how everyone came together to put together a national championship to be held here in Gush Etzion with guests from all over the world. Good luck to the competitors, and I anticipate a high level of sportsmanship from all. Gush Etzion is on the map, and we’re here to stay.”

The event will be held in the Matnas sports auditorium, Givah Ha’Tzehuba, starting at 8:30AM.

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