The legal pressure and international anger sparked by the International Ice Hockey Federation’s puzzling ban on Israeli participation have worked, and a few hours before a scheduled international court hearing, Israel’s Olympic Committee and the Israeli Ice Hockey Association received an official letter from the IIHF saying the threat of discrimination and exclusion had been removed and the Israeli women’s team was invited to appear in the 2024 IIHF Women’s World Championship.
The Israeli women’s national team, which marked its historic international debut in Belgrade in March, was officially founded in July 2021. In 2023, the IIHF awarded Israel the hosting of its Group B tournament in Tnuvot, Israel, where the team placed 4th.
But a week ago, the IIHF posted the following announcement on its website:
“After careful consideration, the IIHF Council has decided that, due to concerns over the safety and security of all participants in the Championships, Israel will not participate in IIHF Competitions for the time being.
“In accordance with IIHF’s duty of care to protect all participants at IIHF Competitions and its obligation to create corresponding health and safety policies, the IIHF Council, within its power found in IIHF Statute has decided to restrict the Israeli National Team from participating in IIHF Championships until the safety and well-being of all participants (including Israeli participants) can be assured.
“The IIHF Council took this decision after careful consideration and based on a risk assessment, discussions with the participating countries, and discussions with the Hosts.”
Yael Arad, Chairwoman of the Olympic Committee in Israel, thanked a long list of dignitaries for their labor to reverse the discriminatory decision, including Israel’s Ambassador to Bulgaria Yossi Levy Sapri, the Deputy Director of Public Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Emmanuel Nachshon, the Embassy of Israel in France, the Anti-Defamation League, and Attorneys Dalia Bushinsky and Gil Atar, who conducted the lawsuit.
As a result of their efforts, on Wednesday, the IIHF issued a press release saying:
“Following recent exchanges and extensive discussions with all involved stakeholders, the IIHF has received from the Ministry of Youth and Sport in Bulgaria and the related Organizing Committee the required confirmation for the safety and security support needed to allow the Israeli National Team to take part in the 2024 IIHF Ice Hockey U20 World Championship Division III, Group A (WM20IIIA), which will take place in Sofia in the period of 22-29 January 2024.
“Namely, the IIHF has received confirmation and details from the relevant authorities regarding all security measures that will be implemented to address the identified risks associated with allowing the Israeli national team to participate in this Championship.
“We are grateful to the Bulgarian authorities, the Ministry of Youth and Sport, the Ministry of the Interior, the local police, and all our stakeholders for their support and assistance in this matter.
“We wish the Israeli National Team and all other participating teams all the best for the competition.
“For the IIHF the safety and security of all players, teams, people involved in the organization of the Championships, and fans in the venues will always stay in first place for any decisions being made.
“A one-week tournament with the participation of the Israeli National Team without any guarantee about the safety and security of all people involved is irresponsible. Therefore, the IIHF will keep monitoring the situation and reviewing its upcoming Championships on a case-by-case basis. In close collaboration with our stakeholders and local authorities, we will strive to find the necessary conditions and support to allow the Israeli teams to participate. Further decisions will be taken and notified in February 2024.”