Photo Credit: MDA Spokesperson
MDA mobile intensive care unit, October 7, 2023

At least on Israeli died and 11 other Israelis were injured over the Sabbath, as of 6:30 pm Saturday evening, the Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency medical service reported on Day 8 of Operation Iron Swords, the war against Hamas.

Six of victims sustained injuries from rocket shrapnel, including a 20-year-old Israeli pronounced dead, a victim in serious condition, two with moderate wounds and two who sustained minor injuries in the Eshkol and Sdot Negev regions. Three other victims sustained minor injuries while racing to bomb shelters in Be’er Sheva, Nes Tziona and Tel Aviv. Three people suffered with severe anxiety.


MDA teams remain on the highest alert across Israel. Some 1,400 MDA ambulances, including bulletproof vehicles, are in service, including new ambulances and mobile intensive care units (MICUs) that arrived this weekend from the United States.

Three MDA ambulances that were damaged Friday night by Hamas gunfire are currently under repair.

More than 22,000 blood units from volunteer donors have been collected by MDA Blood Services. The blood units and components are being supplied to hospitals nationwide where victims of the war are being treated.

Since the start of the war, MDA helicopters have undertaken dozens of medevac missions and evacuated multiple civilian and IDF casualties to Sheba Tel Hashomer, Beilinson, Ichilov, Shamir Assaf Harofe, Shaare Zedek, and Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

Dozens of ambulances, MICUs and specialized rescue vehicles have also transferred casualties with a range of conditions to various hospitals across the country following initial treatment at Barzilai and Soroka Medical Centers in the south.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.