Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Friends and family attend the funeral of 17-year-old Israeli Nachman Shmuel Mordoff, who was killed in a terror attack near the near the Jewish settlement of Eli, in the cemetery in Shilo, on June 21, 2023.

Two Arab terrorists armed with improvised guns advancing towards the Jewish community of Shiloh and were shot by an Israeli police sniper. The two were evacuated by a Red Crescent ambulance.

According to the police, the terrorists were using nearby riots by other Arabs as cover for their advance.


A short time earlier, an Arab was arrested with an axe in Hebron, before he was able to commit his terror attack.

17-year-old Nachman Mordoff was laid to rest today in Shiloh. Mordoff was one of four Israelis killed in an Arab shooting attack near the community of Eli on Tuesday.

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