Photo Credit: Nadav Goldstein / TPS
Gunshots pepper the windshield of an Israeli vehicle attacked by Palestinian Authority terrorists in Samaria. Nov. 9 2023

Two Israelis were wounded in a shooting attack overnight Wednesday while they were driving near the Jewish community of Itamar, southeast of Shechem in central Samaria. A five-month-old baby girl who was in the car was physically unharmed.

After being hit by Arab gunfire, the couple kept driving until they reached the entrance to Moshav Gitit in the Jordan Valley.


Magen David Adom paramedics and an IDF medical force arrived at Gitit and provided treatment to a 21-year-old man who was conscious but in serious condition and a 23-year-old woman in moderate condition, both suffering from gunshot wounds.

They were then transported via IDF helicopter to Beilinson Medical Center in Petach Tikva.

The gunmen fled the scene of the attack; security forces set up roadblocks and began a search for the terrorists.

The terrorist attack comes amid soaring tensions in Judea and Samaria following the barbaric Oct. 7 massacre of more than 1,400 Israeli citizens and dual nationals by invading hordes Hamas terrorists and civilians from Gaza.

Israeli forces overnight Wednesday arrested nine wanted terror suspects in operations throughout Judea and Samaria. Since the start of the war, more than 1,430 terrorist suspects have been detained in Judea and Samaria, including more than 900 members of Hamas.

IDF troops were active overnight in the terrorist hotbed of Jenin, using combat engineering tools to uncover and destroy dozens of improvised explosive devices.

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