Photo Credit: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90
Fascists block Israel’s main artery, Highway 2.

Fascist demonstrators on Thursday morning blocked Israel’s main shoreline artery, Highway 2, in both directions, at the Gesher Habonim area in Netanya, during rush hour. Traffic disruptions also occurred on Highway 79 heading west, where protesters blocked two out of three lanes.


The fascists, who represent perhaps 100,000 Israelis, declared: “This morning, too, as part of the events of the warning strike, we are continuing with all our strength the slowdowns and blockades. This is only the beginning. You should know over there in the government and the Knesset, we will not let up until you return the mandate to the people and disappear from our lives.”

The small group of militarists and fascists has been watching its numbers dwindle since October 7, as the vast majority of Israelis from all walks of life are rejecting the protests when Israeli men and women are sacrificing their lives on the front. And so, to compensate for their shrinking numbers, they are increasing their attack on the welfare of millions of Israelis.

As part of the campaign of the “struggle headquarters” and the protest organizations action against the government, Thursday was declared a “Day of Warning,” and the disruption and shutdown operations have already begun during the morning hours. Those include protests at intersections and on the streets, and blocking roads. Demonstrations are also expected to take place across the country, as this morning there were already blockades on Achuza Street in Ra’anana.

Haaretz reported on Thursday that the army has suspended four protest activists who were arrested in demonstrations against the government in recent months. They were suspended from service after being arrested on suspicion of disorderly conduct, obstructing a police officer, and arson.

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