Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Rescue and Police at the scene of the deadly car-ramming attack near the Ramot junction, in Jerusalem on February 10, 2023.

Rabbi Avraham Paley was released from the hospital on Tuesday more than three months after being seriously wounded in a ramming attack that killed two of his sons.

Five-year-old Yaakov Israel Paley and seven-year-old Asher Menachem Paley were killed in the terrorist attack in Jerusalem’s Ramot neighborhood on Feb. 10, as was 20-year-old Alter Shlomo Lederman.


Avraham Paley, 42, was treated by a large team at Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Kerem. He was in a coma for several weeks and underwent numerous surgeries.

The terrorist was fatally shot by police. He was identified as Hussein Karaka, 31, an Arab Israeli resident of the Issawiya neighborhood in northeastern Jerusalem.

In March, Paley was able to leave the hospital temporarily to visit the graves of his children. The same month, his wife, Devorah, gave birth to a boy at Hadassah Medical Center Mount Scopus.

“The Paley family was an inspiration to all of us in the way they have dealt with the terrible disaster that befell the family. We strengthen the hands of the family. All of Hadassah is excited today to see Rabbi Paley leave the medical center and return to his beloved family after a challenging period of complex treatments,” said Hadassah Medical Center Director Professor Yoram Weiss.

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