Photo Credit: IDF
Pipe Bombs Found in Nur Shams in the Shomron. Oct. 6, 2016

By Yona Schnitzer

Guards at the military court in the Shomron (Samaria) thwarted an attempt Sunday morning to smuggle a pipe bomb into the compound. Border Police guards stationed at the entrance to the court apprehended two Palestinian Authority males in possession of objects suspected to be pipe bombs. The two were detained and a military bomb squad was summoned to the site.


The attempt was the fifth this year. All five attacks were thwarted without injuries.

Meanwhile, on Saturday night, security forces arrested four individuals suspected of being involved in terror activity throughout Judea and Samaria.

In the Jordan Valley, IDF forces apprehended three Palestinian Authority Arabs in possession of fire bombs. The cell is suspected of having thrown fire bombs at cars on main roads in the area on several occasions over the course of the past month.

On the Gaza border, IDF forces apprehended a man attempting to cross the border into Israel carrying a knife and a grenade.

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