Photo Credit: Twitter
The motorcycle belonging to the Har Bracha terrorist, September 24, 2022

A terrorist cell that was nicknamed the “Lion’s Den” on Arab social networks following several shooting attacks it carried out was foiled overnight Sunday after it drove into an ambush of IDF Golani special forces and paratroopers. At least one terrorist was killed, and the rest, who were wounded, fled.

The Golani special force arrived at the Judea and Samaria theater on Friday to boost the IDF presence ahead of the high holidays, alongside the fighters of the 202nd paratrooper battalion that’s currently in charge of the sector.


The ambushing forces fired at the armed men who were coming on a motorcycle and in a car. The ambush had been positioned near the point from which terrorists fired at the settlement of Har Bracha, south of Shechem, in recent days. The motorcycle caught fire and the terrorist riding it was killed.

The Har Bracha terrorist who was killed, September 24, 2022. / Twitter

According to Al Quds, the killed terrorist was Saed al-Koni, in his twenties. The IDF force retrieved the body which had been completely burned.

The terrorist squad used to document its shooting attacks and posted the videos on social networks. Watch the retweet below:

Earlier on Saturday, an Arab terrorist was killed by a fast-reacting soldier he was trying to run over Gilad Farms (Terror Ramming Attack Foiled in Samaria Near Gilad Farm).

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