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IDF troops carriers enter Jenin refugee camp, July 3, 2023.

Brigadier General Daniel Hagari, head of the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, on Monday morning, updated reporters regarding Operation House and Garden, saying, “The course of the attack created a surprise in the field, the enemy was surprised by an air attack that hit the terrorists and sites they thought we weren’t familiar with. This surprise allowed us the security of the forces and made the raid possible.”


The spokesperson stressed that “the purpose of the operation is to attack terrorism in the Jenin refugee camp and undermine the refugee camp as a shelter city for terrorists,” and noted that “at this point, there are no tanks within the space of the fighting.”

According to WAFA, at least three PA Arabs were confirmed killed and 13 others injured, some of them seriously, in the Israeli aerial and ground attack on the Jenin refugee camp in northern Samaria.

“We set out tonight for an operational activity in the Jenin city area, with the focus being the Jenin refugee camp,” Hagari said. “This is a divisional raid. The purpose is to damage the terrorist infrastructure and damage the terrorists. The operation is an IDF operation in cooperation with the Shin Bet/”

The IDF spokesman noted that some 50 attacks originated in Jenin in recent years.

“The opening move began at 1:10 AM, with an attack on the headquarters, a joint and united war room of the terrorist factions that included both terrorists and weapons. This central war room is in the heart of the refugee camp and it was built in such a way that it is surrounded by UNRA facilities – schools and more.
After these attacks, several more drone attacks were carried out against the terrorists and we also attacked a cargo container.”

“Forces of the commando brigade, which includes Golani and Paratroopers with patrols moving in the area, entered the buildings and established control over the area. Fighters located explosives inside operational apartments from which terrorists planned to leave and carry out activities against our forces,” the spokesperson continued.

“I will not refer to the duration of the operation, but there will be a sequence of operations that are not necessarily limited in time in all of Northern Samaria according to intelligence and operational timing, and this is also what led us to this activity and the decision, according to the intelligence and weather that suited the operation,” he added, and clarified that “the Palestinian Authority and its security services are not the targets of this operation.”

He also said: “The fight against terrorism will not be solved with one action, it requires determination and perseverance and we will use all the tools at our disposal. We are required to show caution and responsibility until we finish the activity of the forces on the ground with all the means that must be provided to them, including air assistance.”

The last time the IDF carried out an extensive operation against the terror infrastructure in the Palestinian Authority began on May 29, 2002, the Passover seder night, following a massacre of Israeli guests at the Park Hotel in Netanya. Operation Defensive Shield began with an Israeli incursion into Ramallah, where Yasser Arafat was placed under siege in his palace. This was followed by successive incursions into the six largest cities in the PA and their surrounding villages. The IDF moved into Tulkarm and Qalqilya on April 1, Bethlehem on April 2, and Jenin and Shechem on April 3. From April 3 to 21, strict curfews were enforced on the civilian population and foreign human rights monitors and journalists. The IDF withdrew on May 29, 2002, while maintaining cordons of troops around some towns and villages, with raids in search of wanted terrorists.

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