Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel / Flash 90

Israeli authorities foiled a PA Arab terror cell in the Aqabat Jaber refugee camp near Jericho planning attacks on Israelis, it was cleared for publication on Monday.

Two residents of the camp, Muhammed Trik and Amin Katash, both residents of the “refugee” camp, were arrested for forming a terror cell that planned to carry out shootings and bombings, and to kidnap Israelis.


According to the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), Trik and Katash, 19 and 20 years-old respectively, purchased weapons and recruited others into their plot. Investigators also found a hole dug into the ground where the terror cell planned to hide their abductees.

Authorities seized a “Carlo” type gun, a security vest, communications gear and military uniforms. The Shin Bet added that one of member of the cell was arrested by the Palestinian Authority security forces – that prevents him from being arrested by Israel.

Since October 7, more than 4,100 PA Arab terror suspects have been arrested in counterterror raids throughout Judea and Samaria of whom 40% are associated with Hamas.

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