Photo Credit: Binyamin Regional Council
Car of the murdered Arab-Israeli in the terror along Route 465 in the Binyamin region of Samaria. Jan. 7, 2024

An Israeli-Arab man was killed on Sunday morning in a shooting along Route 465, between the towns of Ofra and Eli in the Binyamin region of Samaria, near the “British Police Checkpoint”. An Israeli-Arab woman was also wounded in the attack. She was transported by a private car to Ramallah, according to Hatzalah without Borders.

Magen David Adom paramedics said the victim, an Arab Israeli man in his 30s, was unconscious and without a pulse when they arrived at the scene.


He was declared dead shortly thereafter.

Israeli forces launched a manhunt for the two terrorists. Their car was reportedly stopped around 2 kilometer away, towards Neve Tzuf/Halamish. The three terrorist were not yet captured.

The car of the terrorists, stopped near Halamish after the attack on Road 465. Jan. 7, 2024

The fatality was identified as Ammar Mansour of the Beit Hanina neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem.

Last Sunday, two Israelis were wounded in a terrorist stabbing at the Mishor Adumim industrial zone, located east of Jerusalem in Judea.

MDA paramedics treated the victims, both security guards, at the scene before evacuating them, fully conscious and in stable condition, to the capital’s Hadassah Medical Center on Mount Scopus.

MDA said a 24-year-old woman was in good-to-moderate condition, while a man in his 20s sustained minor wounds in the attack.

Content by News Desk was used in this report.

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