Photo Credit: Nadav Goldstein/TPS
A Jewish baby was nearly shot by Arab terrorists in Huwara. Oct. 5, 2023.

An Israeli couple, in their twenties, the wife pregnant, traveling on Road 60 with their infant child were attacked Thursday afternoon as they drove through the terrorist hotbed town of Huwara.

A terrorist opened fire with a handgun at close range, at the vehicle as the family was traveling towards the Jewish community of Tapuach. As the car tried to escape by crossing over the island on the road, the terrorist kept chasing after them and shooting. At least one gunshot shattered the side window of their vehicle, and bullets were found in the car after the attack.


Magen David Adom emergency response medics who arrived at the scene found the small family in shock, but not physically injured. One person was treated for extreme anxiety, MDA said.

Yiska Steiner told TPS that she and her husband were returning to Jerusalem after visiting the Giv’ot Olam outpost in Samaria. “In the middle of Huwara … we heard a loud boom. They shot at us through the back window. They shot twice. My husband moved to the other lane, and drove in the opposite direction,” she told TPS.

The attacker fled on foot.

IDF soldiers were in pursuit of the terrorist.

One day earlier, a three-year-old girl was wounded in a rock attack that took place in Huwara. The little girl was hurt while riding in a car near the terrorist hotbed, which is just outside Shechem.

IDF soldiers who were nearby at the time treated the child for wounds to her face and hands; she was not taken to a hospital.

The terrorists also hurled rocks at an Israeli bus in addition to the car in which the child was riding. Both vehicles were damaged.

A bypass road that will finally allow Israeli drivers to avoid Huwara is scheduled to open later this month.

Update 8:40 PM: The IDF found and eliminated the terrorist.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.