Photo Credit: Tzuri Amiur / Tatzpit
The destruction left by the police and civil administration in Gal Yosef farm, December 14, 2023.

The Jenin News Telegram channel on Monday issued the following call to PA Arab terrorists following the IDF’s dismantling of a Jewish farm during the Shiva of its resident who had been murdered by Arabs last Friday. There’s no need to stress how alarming this message is:

The occupation army demolishes and dismantles, for security reasons as it is an unprotected area, the pastoral settlement outpost east of Ramallah, near which the settler was killed a few days ago.
In fact, most similar hotspots are unprotected and can be easily targeted, and there are no forces or budgets to protect them all.
The problem is that it is far from densely populated Palestinian areas, in addition to the Palestinian Authority’s media brainwashing people and portraying these areas as dangerous and saying that the ferocious settlers will kill them if they approach them.
The truth the resistance fighters in the West Bank must realize, is that they are soft and easy targets. That is why the occupation hastened to dismantle this outpost after the first human losses occurred, and as they continue, they will dismantle more and more.
Attacking them should be a priority, rather than attacking heavily fortified sites, checkpoints, and settlements.


I have no idea how to respond to such an open call to Jew murder, other than to urge anyone in possession of a firearm to look for vulnerable Jewish outposts, many of which have been emptied of their reservist soldiers who have joined the fight in Gaza and the Lebanon border.

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