Photo Credit: Google Maps
Map showing Deir Abu Mash'al and Halamish/Neve Tzuf

The Binyamin Regional Council Spokesman’s office reported that Arab rioters were seen on cameras Wednesday afternoon throwing a Molotov cocktail at the town of Neve Tzuf in Binyamin, causing a serious fire. The Council’s leader blamed the government for the continuing violence.


The fire threatened to reach the homes at the front of the town. The fire brigade, with the help of volunteers in the settlement and the members of the council’s security department, fought the flames and brought the fire under control.

Head of the Binyamin Regional Council Yisrael Gantz blamed what he characterized as a lack of action taken against recent terrorist attacks for encouraging new attacks such as this one.

“The Israeli government is not responding correctly to what is happening,” he declared. “Terrorism needs to meet an iron hand that will enter the inner cities, restores deterrence and sovereignty as the IDF knows and knows how to do.”

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