Photo Credit: TPS
Scene of terror attack at Eli gas station in Binyamin.

Two Israelis were killed Thursday afternoon in a terrorist attack at the entrance to the Jewish community of Eli in the Binyamin region of Samaria.


The two victims were initially reported in critical condition after being shot by Palestinian Authority terrorists at the local gas station, but shortly after were pronounced dead at the scene by emergency medical responders from Magen David Adom (MDA).

The murdered victims were identified as 16-years-old Uria Hartum from Dolev in the Binyamin region, and Rabbi Yitzchak Tzager from Shavei Shomron, a volunteer in ZAKA, age 57. Tzager was giving Hartum a ride and the terrorist opened fire on their car, killing both of them.

“When we arrived at the scene, we saw at the gas station a vehicle in which sat an unconscious wounded man with gunshot wounds and nearby another man was lying on the road who was also unconscious with gunshot wounds. We performed medical examinations But the injuries were fatal and in a short time we had to pronounce them dead,” MDA paramedic Shmuel Reynos and MDA senior medic Avraham Applebaum said.

One terrorist was killed at the scene by Aviad Goldstein, owner of Hummus Eliyah. Two other terrorists managed to escape and were being pursued by IDF soldiers.

Aviad Gazbar, owner of Hummus Eliyahu, who shot and killed the terrorist at the scene, standing next to Binyamin Regional Council head Israel Gantz.

“The terrorist was neutralized. IDF soldiers are blocking off routes and pursuing additional suspects in the area,” the IDF said.

A second terrorist was seriously wounded and a third managed to escape, according to Palestinian Authority media who identified the gunman as Mohammed Yousef Manasra, a resident of Qalandiya north of Jerusalem. Manasra was a Palestinian Authority police officer who worked in the PA’s Criminal Investigation Department, Arab media reported.

The attack took place at the same gas station where two Palestinian Authority terrorists murdered four Israelis last June.

The community, meanwhile, is on lockdown. Binyamin Regional Council head Israel Gantz spoke to reporters at the scene, expressing outrage and warning that terrorism in Judea and Samaria is the same as that in Gaza.

“We have two people killed in a serious and painful attack. Terrorism here and in Gaza is the same terrorism with the same terrorists and the same ambitions,” Gantz said.

“It is necessary to launch a crushing attack against terrorism in Judea and Samaria. We must enter the city centers, destroy infrastructure and exterminate terrorists to the end Just like in Gaza.”

Public transportation and shuttles were warned to detour if possible; Highway 60 in closed in both directions, the Tapuach intersection is closed from south to the north, the Rechalim intersection is closed to the north, and the Eli intersection is closed in all directions.

The response from the outgoing Mayor of the Gush Etzion Regional Council and Chairman of the Yesha Council, Shlomo Ne’eman, to the the terrorist attack in Eli:

“Once again, a very serious attack, and once again the Jews have been targeted. At this difficult time, we embrace the families of the slain and demand the reverse effect in Judea and Shomron. The Palestinian Authority is waging a war against us, and we have to act with force to eliminate all threats throughout Judea and Samaria. The State of Israel and the rest of the world need to understand that there is no difference between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas terrorists. Whoever did not condemn the pogrom on Simchat Torah, whoever finances the families of the terrorists who carried out the attack, has no right to exist.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.