Photo Credit: United Hatzalah
Scene of the terror attack at the Anatot checkpoint in Jerusalem. Feb. 13, 2023

It has been released for publication that Border Policeman Staff Sergeant Asil Sawael of Husnieh, age 22, has died from his wounds from the terror attack at the Anatot checkpoint near Shuafat on Monday evening. Sawael was a Bedouin convert to Judaism.

Border Police officer Asil Suaed

Sawael had been critically wounded in a terror attack near the Anatot Checkpoint, which is next to Shuafat, in Jerusalem, located between the Hebrew University and Pisgat Ze’ev.


The policeman and a civilian guard entered a bus to check it at the checkpoint when the terrorist attacked the policemen with knife. Both security men opened fire. The 13-year-old terrorist from Shuafat was lightly wounded and arrested, and is being treated well in the hospital. Suaed was apparently hit and wounded by the guard’s bullet.

Knife on the bus in the Anatot/Shuafat terror attack. Feb. 13, 2023

United Hatzalah volunteers performed CPR on one of the Border Policemen who was critically wounded. He was then transferred to an MDA ICU ambulance for advanced resuscitation efforts.

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