Photo Credit: United Hatzalah
The scene after the stabbing on the bridge connecting Givat Shmuel with Bnei Brak, July 5, 2022.

On July 5th, a Haredi man (47) walking to shul at 5:30 AM was attacked by an Arab assailant while crossing the footbridge between Bnei Brak and Givat Shmuel. He was taken to the hospital in serious, but stable condition, with a head wound.

On July 7th, police announced they captured the attacker. But until today, the police were apparently unable to determine if the attack was a terror attack, and did not declare it as such.


Twenty-two days later, the police and Shabak finally announced that they completed their investigation and declared that the Arab attacker was actually a terrorist, and he attacked the Jewish man for nationalistic reasons.

The terrorist had scouted out the area to find the best time and location to commit his terror attack.

Update: the victim was hit with a concrete construction block.

The police statement noted the man was a resident of a village near Shechem [in the Palestinian Authority], but notably, the police statement did not mention that he was in the Bnei Brak area without a valid work permit, something they usually mention, which would hint that he was in Bnei Brak legally and after a security check.


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