Photo Credit: Yaakov Lederman / Flash 90
Beitar Illit

The IDF Homefront Command and the city of Beitar Illit, in Gush Etzion, announced just after 7AM on Friday that the security lockdown in Beitar has been lifted. Residents can leave their homes and move freely in the city.

A bomb was left on a bus in Beitar on Thursday night. The amateurishly designed remote-controlled bomb fizzled and released smoked but didn’t explode.


It is suspected that the terrorist got on the 225 bus near Gilo and he had 3 bombs on him. Security suspects that he got off the bus inside Beitar and that’s when he remotely activated the bomb on the bus.

There are no announcement at this point if the terrorist bomber was captured or not, after a long night of searches.

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