Photo Credit: United Hatzalah
Scene of the Friday afternoon terror attack between Kever Shmuel Hanavi and Ramot. Feb. 10, 2023

Two people are dead and seven more have been wounded in a terror attack between the tomb of Shmuel Hanavi (Samuel the Prophet) and the Ramot neighborhood in Jerusalem. The attack happened on Friday afternoon just before 1:30 PM.


An Arab terrorist rammed his car into his victims, including children, who were waiting at a Jerusalem bus stop. MDA announced that one of the victims has died from his wounds, a six-year-old boy. Zaka announced that an Israeli man has also died from his wounds. Currently, one victim is listed in critical condition — an 8-year-old boy; two people are in serious condition; one man is moderately wounded; and one boy is lightly wounded.

The terrorist was shot and neutralized (killed) by armed civilians and police officers who were passing nearby. The Arab terrorist was an Israeli citizen. Galei Tzahal radio says he was known to security forces.

CEO of United Hatzalah Eli Pollack who was one of the first responders at the scene said: “A car hit the people at the bus stop. Volunteers are currently performing CPR on a young boy approximately 8 years old. Another man in his late 20s is in critical condition. We treated three other three people who were hurt in the incident.”

Magen David Adom paramedic Lishi Shemesh, who passed by the scene at the time of the attack said, “I was in the car with my wife and children and I noticed a car driving quickly to the bus stop and running over the people standing at the station. I stopped on the side and immediately ran towards the injured. A security guard neutralized and eliminated the terrorist.”

“The sight was shocking, we saw casualties including six and eight year-old children lying unconscious. We started to do an initial screening of the victims and give them life-saving treatment. Immediately, large MDA forces arrived on the scene and continued the medical treatment and evacuated to the hospitals. I joined one of the ambulances and we evacuated a 26-year-old man in serious condition with a head injury to the Shaare Zedek hospital.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu has decided to take immediate action to seal and demolish the home of the terrorist.

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