Photo Credit: Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90
View of Joseph's Tomb that Arabs vandalized overnight in the city of Shechem (Nablus), April 10, 2022

The IDF came to the rescue of what it described as a group of tourists, who entered, without coordination into the Joseph’s Tomb complex in the city of Shechem (Nablus) Shechem, on Monday afternoon. The Jewish holy site is in Area A and under control of the Palestinian Authority.


It is against Israeli law for people to enter into these areas without first getting permission and coordinating the trip with Israeli security forces.

The group were attacked and stoned during their entry into the compound, according to the IDF. Two of the “tourists” were injured and received medical treatment on the spot. All of them were evacuated from the compound.

The IDF did not say if the members of the group were Israeli citizens, or included any Israelis at all, but its use of the term “tourists” may imply that the people were from abroad.

Many foreign tourists, including large groups of Christian pilgrims, are now visiting Israel for the Sukkot holiday known to Christians as the Feast of the Tabernacles.

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