Photo Credit: Matanya Reichman / TPS
Burgers Bar in Maale Adumim following the terror attack. August 1, 2023.

Security camera footage from the terror attack in Maale Adumim on Tuesday shows a father fighting off the terrorist with a chair at the local Burger’s Bar. The man’s scared daughter followed after him. At least one person that was inside the restaurant was wounded. Six people were shot and wounded in that terror attack.


The Arab terrorist, a municipal employee who worked in the local community center (Matnas), was taken home earlier in the day by Tzvika Cohen who volunteers at the same Matnas. The terrorist told Cohen he wasn’t feeling well and Cohen took him home, according to a report by Carmel Dangor. After he got home, the terrorist apparently retrieved his gun and returned to Maale Adumim to commit the terror attack.

Seven years ago, Tzvika Cohen was brutally wounded by an ax wielding terrorist in an attack in Maale Adumim which left him in a coma for a long period.

Below is the attack from the mall’s security camera:

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