Photo Credit: IDF
IDF prepares a terrorist's home for demolition in Ramallah. June 8, 2023

In an unusual move, the IDF entered the city of Ramallah overnight to destroy the home of the terrorist Islam Perok who carried out the IED (improvises explosive device) terror attacks in Jerusalem this past November. Ramallah is the location of the capital of the Palestinian Authority.


Perok carried out an attack on November 23, 2022, during which he set off explosives in two different places in Jerusalem. In the attack, Aryeh Shechopek – a 16-year-old Canadian-Israeli – and Tedsa Teshuma, a 50-year-old Oleh from Ethiopia and father of six, were murdered, and dozens of other civilians were injured.

The house was destroyed after a petition submitted to the Supreme Court against the procedure was rejected.

During the activity, violent disturbances developed in several locations, during which Arabs threw stones, Molotov cocktails and explosives at the forces. The IDF force responded with non-lethal measures to disperse demonstrations and live fire. Injuries were detected among the attackers.

No IDF soldiers were harmed in the operation. News Desk contributed to this report.

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