Photo Credit: IDF
First Sergeant Shilo Yosef Amir. HYD.

A terrorist opened fire on IDF soldiers near Kedumim critically wounding one of the Israelis on Thursday afternoon at approximately 3:30 PM. The soldiers had noticed a suspicious vehicle and stopped it. The terrorist driver then opened fire critically wounding a soldier. The soldiers returned fire, but the terrorist escaped. The soldier was declared dead at the scene.

IDF and civilian security forces then chased after the terrorist and shot and killed him.

Terrorist’s car in the Kedumim attack. July 6, 2023

The IDF now believes the terrorist had planned to infiltrate into Kedumim to commit his terror attack inside the town.

Released for publication: The soldier who was killed has been identified as First Sergeant Shilo Yosef Amir, age 22, from the town of Meirav. He served in Sayeret Givati. He leaves behind his parents and four brothers. He will be buried on Friday on Mount Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem.


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