Photo Credit: TPS
IDF soldier at Danny Spring (Ein Bubin) near the settlement of Dolev where Rina Shnerb was killed and her father and brother were seriously injured in a terror attack.

The home of terrorist Qassem Abd al-Karim Ragah Shabali, who was involved in the murder of teenage girl Rina Shnerb near Dolev in August 2029, will not be demolished. A High Court panel of judges ruled Monday, in response to an appeal filed with the anti-Israel NGO HaMoked, that only the top floor of the terrorist’s home may be demolished.

HaMoked: Center for the Defense of the Individual, receives about NIS 8 million ($2.23 million) annually in donations, 85.3% of which come from foreign governments, according to NGO Monitor.


See: Israel Captures PFLP Terror Cell that Murdered Rina Shnerb

The IDF asked to seal the ground floor of the building, but justices Uzi Fogelman, Anat Baron and Yael Wilner stated that the building’s ground floor should not be touched at all because the terrorist did not live on this floor and the terrorist’s family claimed that his aunt uses this floor as a storage room.

The judges also ruled that the top floor could be demolished only after Passover eve.

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