Photo Credit: Itay Cohen / Flash 90
View of the city of Shechem (Nablus)

A pair of German tourists, driving in a rental “Share” car with Israeli license plates, were mistaken for Jews by local Palestinian Authority Arabs in the city of Shechem (Nablus). The tourists and their car were stoned and the pair were beaten up by the PA Arabs.


The German tourists fled their car and were extricated from the city. IDF medics treated them for their wounds.

Gives new meaning to terror tourism.

The German ambassador in Israel Steffen Seibert tweeted: “A mob attacking tourists because they don‘t like their license plate is disgusting and cowardly. I thank the Palestinian Israeli citizen who saved them from the bottom of my heart.”

Amazing how the German ambassador failed to mention who attacked his fellow citizens, who else helped save them, and why they were really attacked – because the “Palestinian” mob thought their victims were Jews.

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