Photo Credit: IAC
The 2018 Israeli-American Council

United States President Donald J. Trump, Philanthropist Sheldon G. Adelson, President of the Republic of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernandez, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) from Florida’s 23rd Congressional District, MK Gideon Sa’ar of Israel’s Likud Party and dozens more celebrities will attend the annual conference of the Israeli-American Council (IAC) that starts on Friday in Florida, with as many as 4,000 Israeli Americans.

See the full list of (IAC) guests this weekend.


The Israeli-American Council is an American nonprofit organization that represents and serves more than 250,000 Israeli-Americans across the US. Its mission is to preserve and strengthen the Israeli and Jewish identities of future generations, strengthen the American Jewish community, and strengthen the relationship between citizens of the United States and the State of Israel. The IAC is considered the fastest-growing Jewish organization in the world.

The opening Session, on Friday morning, is titled “Israel and the Jewish People: Shifting the Focus from the Rifts and Gaps to Opportunities and Possibilities,” which will depict the fact that “we focus our energy on what divides us, rather than what we have in common and unites us,” and discuss “what special role Israeli-American may play in changing the conversation.”

Co-founder and CEO of the IAC Shoham Nicolet said in a statement: “It is an honor for us to host the president of the United States. This is great news not only for our organization but for the entire pro-Israel community in America, which supports unwavering ties between the United States and Israel.

“The coast-to-coast community is becoming the bridge, the gateway, and the driving force within Jewish America, fostering a deep connection to Israel. It is time for us to shift our focus from differences and rifts to the endless possibilities and opportunities when we come together. This is what the IAC is all about.”

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