Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
Jon Minadeo, founder of the Goyim Defense League.

The Secure Community Network (SCN) on Friday emailed a Situation Report to Jewish communities and the media on the upcoming “Day of Hate,” suggesting this is a low-risk situation since there has been “no specific or direct threat or even a threat at all,” and pointing out that the chatter online about the event is “a call to the non-violent actions of protest, flyering (sic.) and stickering, banner drops, and vandalism.”

Take a look at our earlier report, Chicago Police: Shabbat ‘Day of Hate’ Threat Is Real and Goes Nationwide, now breathe. You’re probably not going to meet a neo-Nazi on your way to shul this Shabbat.


According to SCN, the group behind the “Day of Hate” is the Goyim Defense League (GDL), a group spewing antisemitic messages and conspiracy theories, primarily on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Gab (an extremist website). It was created in 2018 by Sonoma County, California comedian Jon Minadeo. So far, it appears that the GDL is all bark, no bite.

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt tweeted Thursday night: “ADL is closely monitoring the nationwide extremist ‘Day of Hate’ campaign planned for this Saturday. The Jewish community may be the target of vile antisemitic hate, but we will not be intimidated. Instead, let’s celebrate #ShabbatOfPeaceNotHate.”

SCN reported: “It should be noted, online chatter surrounding the campaign has remained limited and we assess that, as in the past, this will not likely be a widespread event. Given that this is not a centrally organized event, specific locations or times have not been advertised.”

What if they gave a Day of Hate and nobody showed up?

Based on previous campaigns, SCN believes that the “Day of Hate” will probably be limited to non-violent, low-impact activities. Their email notes that “the Secure Community Network has been actively monitoring online chatter and has not located any threats of violence or mentions of specific residential or commercial areas that may be targeted by this upcoming campaign.”

Also: “Given the increased and widespread media coverage of this anticipated campaign, law enforcement in many jurisdictions across the country have been made aware of the planned event(s) and, in some areas, have indicated they will maintain an increased presence near Jewish facilities.”

So, go to shul, daven with joy, and listen to Parashat Truma, the haftarah is all about how King Solomon made a deal with the Lebanese to build the Temple. Some things change.

On a more serious note, the GDL is active mostly in California, Colorado, Florida, Texas, and New York. The “Jewish states.” Surprisingly, no sightings in New Jersey.

SCN recommends some security considerations:

“While we do not anticipate significant impact and activities as it relates to this campaign, out of an abundance of caution, organizations and institutions should work to proactively review, adapt, and implement any security plans and procedures to protect staff, visitors, and facilities during times when public safety and security resources are stretched thin.

  • Individuals should remain vigilant and situationally aware in and around Jewish organizations.
  • Should individuals be engaged in suspicious behavior, criminal, or related activities, contact law enforcement immediately.
  • DO NOT confront individuals engaged in any activities related to these events.
  • We encourage individuals to avoid conflict or confrontation with these individuals, as previous incidents have resulted in the instigators recording interactions to create conflict and leverage it for future use.

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