Photo Credit: Rep. Rashida Tlaib's Facebook page
'Defend Rashida' was a campaign poster to reelect Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich).

Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich) has been enlisted by the virulently anti-Israel “Jewish” group IfNotNow to help with their fundraising campaign. On Monday, Tlaib sent out an email on behalf of IfNotNow soliciting donations of $18 to $180 or more, under the header: “IfNotNow has my back.”

Tlaib, who in response to being refused entry by the Israeli government tweeted an anti-Israel cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff, wrote in her email: “Since I was elected to Congress in 2018, our Squad for justice and equity has continued to grow. But, even as we grow our progressive movement for change, there are those who attack us because they are scared of our collective power.”


“As the first Palestinian-American woman elected to Congress, I have been the focus of many attacks — sexist, racist, and Islamophobic. These constant smear campaigns have made me grateful for those in my corner and those who continue to work tirelessly for the freedom and dignity of every person — especially IfNotNow Movement,” Tlaib continued.

One of those attacks followed her retweet of a jarring statement from a bandana-masked user calling herself Rasha (how apt, seeing as Rasha in Hebrew means wicked) who posted a cheerful poster celebrating “International day of solidarity with the Palestinian people” above which she noted: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Which flew in the face of repeated statements from Tlaib claiming that she’s not supporting the destruction of Israel, only two states for two ever-loving, equal and happy peoples, side by side. How do you do the side by side thing if one side is swimming in the sea?

“The Israeli Occupation is personal to me as someone whose grandmother lives in the occupied West Bank. Yet, I am constantly scrutinized by the political establishment and the right-wing for anything I say about the rights of the Palestinian people to live in freedom. IfNotNow and I both know these efforts do not make any of our communities safer. They are a divide-and-conquer strategy to make us mistrust one another so we don’t join together to fight our common enemy: white nationalism and corporate greed,” Tlaib wrote.

Last June, Tlaib expressed her solidarity with the “peaceful Palestinian people” by retweeting a pack of lies about a Palestinian Authority terrorist who had slammed his car into a female Border Guard Police officer at a security checkpoint near Abu Dis outside Jerusalem. Noura Erekat, a well-known anti-Semitic Rutgers University professor, works hard to advocate for the destruction of the Jewish State and tweeted her grief over her “baby cousin” who she insisted was murdered by Israeli soldiers.

The entire blood libel was exposed shortly thereafter:

In conclusion, Tlaib wrote in her fundraiser email, “This year, IfNotNow Movement endorsed my reelection campaign, along with five other stellar candidates working for real progressive change. Our work together helped offer my constituents resources in an extraordinarily challenging time and helped contribute to our victory over this impeached president. I have been raising my voice against Trump since he was a candidate in 2015 and 2016 — when I was arrested at one of his campaign rallies for demanding he read the Constitution. Now, I’m excited to work with IfNotNow to set a political agenda in 2021 that moves towards ending the occupation, and achieving freedom for my grandmother and for all Palestinians and Israelis.”

Earlier in December, Jewish Voice for Peace conducted a Webinar titled “Dismantling Anti-Semitism, Winning Justice,” featuring Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Peter Beinart, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, and Dr. Barbara Ransby, all well qualified Israel haters with a touch of anti-Semitism. Which led Harry Khachatrian, who writes for the Daily Wire, to wonder aloud if Louis Farrakhan was unavailable.

So now I’m waiting for Mr. Farrakhan to be featured in the next fundraising email from our friends at IfNotNow.

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