Photo Credit: Cosmin Nedelcu / Pixabay

Anti-Israel haters have arrived at the Watergate Hotel in Washington DC, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his wife Sarah and his delegation are staying during their trip this week.

A wannabe Arab protester dressed up as a terrorist, complete with keffiyeh, yelled “Allahu Akbar! Hamas!” (Allahu Akbar is the jihadist war cry, ‘God is Great’) from outside the tall black metal barriers set up outside the hotel. He shouted “We gonna win! We gonna win! You coward!” at a pro-Israeli counter-protester. “Go to Alaska! Don’t come to our country!” he yelled. “Take Biden and all the Jewish lobby and go to Alaska!” adding, “Netanyahu we’re going to take his neck off!”


Huge barriers were set up around the Watergate Hotel and hundreds of police officers were brought in from surrounding states to assist with crowd (and anarchist) control during Netanyahu’s address to Congress.

More than 200 NYPD officers are among the out-of-state forces who have arrived to help control the massive “protests” that are expected to take place while the prime minister speaks.

Meanwhile, a user on the X social media platform claimed the DC Palestinian Youth Movement released maggots and crickets throughout the hotel and pulled multiple fire alarms throughout the night.

[Updated] The hotel originally informed us that the video was a fake, as apparently they were unaware that it had even happened.

The hotel later updated our reporter that the incident did happen, but was restricted to the floor the protesters were on. The protesters had checked into the hotel and brought the bugs in, inside their suitcases. They then released them on the floor they were on.

The floor the Israeli delegation was on locked off and guarded and not near the floor the anti-Israel protesters were on or where the bugs were released.

From the video, it appears that the bugs were also released in at least one meeting room set aside for the Israeli delegation. The protesters also claimed to have set off the fire alarms.

The Watergate Hotel spokesperson said there is “outstanding security” at the hotel, in addition to the Capitol Police and other federal agencies, all of whom are providing security for the prime minister’s stay.

The Washington DC city police department have also erected fencing and barricades around the hotel and around the Capitol, along with multiple road blocks as well.

Just one day earlier, numerous arrests were made Tuesday after protesters from the anti-Israel Jewish Voice for Peace organization staged a sit-in in the rotunda of the Capitol building.

Hundreds of protesters wore red T-shirts that read “Not In Our Name” as they sat on the floor, unfurling signs and chanting “Let Gaza Live!”

Netanyahu is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress at 2 pm Eastern Time, his fourth such address as prime minister.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.