Photo Credit: GPO / YouTube screen grab
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks with foreign news media on Oct. 30 2023

Nothing says good news more than US President Joe Biden telling the press he’s frustrated with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The White House has been incessantly pushing for a ceasefire this past week (as well as to oust Netanyahu who continues to fight against the 2-State solution), and there were reports coming from US sources this evening that Israel agreed to a series of short-term daily ceasefires.


Netanyahu subsequently tweeted out that there would be no ceasefires until hostages were released (though Bibi didn’t specify if he meant some or all of the hostages).

Asked by the press if he is frustrated with Netanyahu not listening to him and not doing what Biden has asked him to do, Biden responded, “It’s taking a little longer than I had hoped.”

Biden’s response reminded us of the story of the rabbi who was given a year to teach the king’s dog to talk. If he succeeded, he would be richly rewarded, and if he failed, the rabbi would be killed.

The Jew was asked by his friends and family why he asked for a year to teach the dog, and how is he not worried. The rabbi responded, “In a year, many things can happen. The dog could die, or I could die, or the king could die, or who knows, maybe the dog will talk.”

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