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Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Laurie Cardoza-Moore

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, Founder of PJTN and host of Focus on Israel, which reaches a weekly global audience of more than a billion people in 200 nations, has upped the ante in her campaign to unseat Rep Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), suggesting Omar is a Hamas plant in Congress.

Omar was the keynote speaker for Islamic Relief USA in Tampa, Fl. last Thursday, and will be the keynote speaker at an upcoming Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) fundraiser in Los Angeles.


According to Cardoza-Moore, CAIR is the American arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, which maintains close ties to Hamas and Hezbollah and was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorist fundraising case in the history of the United States.

Cardoza-Moore pointed out that while Omar had deleted her infamous anti-Semitic tweets, CAIR has come-out in support of the same tweets, stating: “CAIR does not feel there was any anti-Semitic meaning in her tweet, but due to the brevity some took it as such.”

Laurie Cardoza-Moore acknowledged that, “Ilhan Omar covertly represents Hamas in the US Congress, we need to act now before this blows up in our faces. CAIR and Hamas are one and the same.”

She suggested that the fact that “Ilhan Omar is openly fundraising for CAIR means she is not just a rabid anti-Semite, but a real threat to our national security. PJTN has already secured thousands of signatures on our petition to have her ousted from Congress and we will continue to wage our national campaign to unite American patriots against this dangerous phenomenon. We the people demand that members of a subversive anti-Semitic organization, with close ties to terrorist groups, not be made welcome in our Congress”.

Use this link to go to the petition.

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