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BDS Biggie, Roger Waters

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, is calling on Floridian Christians, Jews and people of conscience to protest a Roger Waters concert scheduled for Thursday night at the American Airlines Arena in Miami.

Former Pink Floyd musician Waters has become the poster boy for the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS) targeting Israel.


“He has also routinely exhibited outright anti-Semitism in his concerts by dressing in pseudo-Nazi uniforms and hoisting large inflatable pigs adorned with Stars of David,” said Cardoza-Moore, who grew-up in south Florida. She said she is insulted that “Waters should be financially benefiting from a region that not only boasts a large Jewish population but is also home to a major Christian pro-Israel support base.”

“Roger Waters is a flagrant anti-Semite,” Cardoza-Moore stated, adding: “All Christians, Jews and people of conscience should publicly condemn him… Everybody should do what they can to voice their concern that this anti-Semite is spewing his despicable brand of hatred in the Sunshine State. Contact your local lawmakers, picket the concert, speak-out on social media, but whatever you do, do not remain silent.”

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