Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
Nazi demonstrator in Orlando, Fl., Jan. 28, 2022.

A bunch of Neo-Nazis on Saturday and Sunday chanted antisemitic slogans, waved Nazi flags, and jumped on a driver who confronted them near the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Florida.

That’s all you need to know in terms of background. The rest are tweets that say everything. Of course, by definition, tweets are great examples of personal journalism, but because they are so random and erupt at the reader without context and other editorial constraints, they also tend to abandon perspective and proportion. So the reader knows very well what happened, when, and where, but remains fuzzy on the why.


But in this case, our first Twitter user already cited the immortal Elwood J. Blues, played by Dan Aykroyd, the surviving half of the Blues Brothers:

Vax the Jews? The slogan has a threatening feel to it, but mostly if you think vaccines are bad for you. It takes me back to the Black Plague in medieval Europe, when the Jews stayed alive because of their better hygiene.

This Nazi fella was a poster boy for anyone who thinks the US should have stayed out of WW2:

The great thing about the next tweet is that it depicts real Florida Nazis doing their real Florida Nazi thing, but it also shows there aren’t so many of them. Introducing: Florida Nazis maintaining proper socila distancing:

Here’s the brawl we mentioned in the opening. OK, this is scary. Very 1938:

Finally, this jarring tweet from Except, of course, I don’t know if you can (stop antisemitism). But you can come home to a Jewish country where antisemites can get thrown to jail if they dare put on a show like in Orlando.

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