Photo Credit: Haim Zach (GPO)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) in Jerusalem, March 27, 2024.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday met with Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) and thanked him for visiting Jerusalem and for his unwavering support for the State of Israel, especially at this time.

Netanyahu added: “I thought the US decision in the Security Council was a very, very bad move. The worst part about it was that it encouraged Hamas to take a hard line and to believe that international pressure would prevent Israel from freeing the hostages and destroying Hamas (With the UN on their Side, Hamas Rejects the US Brokered Hostage Release Deal).


My decision not to send the delegation to Washington in the wake of that resolution was a message to Hamas: Don’t bet on this pressure, it’s not going to work. I hope they got the message.”

Meanwhile, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who is also visiting Jerusalem, told reporters on Wednesday the claims that Israel is starving the people of Gaza as a weapon are an [expletive related to male bovine digestion] and a blood libel and that Israel and the IDF are making extreme efforts to care for the basic needs of civilians in the Strip.

Sen. Graham added that he was hoping the Biden administration and the Netanyahu government would succeed in restoring relations, and promised to submit a resolution to the Senate saying any significant Hezbollah attack on Israel would be considered by the US as a declaration of war by Iran against the Jewish State.

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