Photo Credit: Courtesy IfNotNow
IfNotNow activist (one of three) removed from Trump's RJC speech in Las Vegas

“We lived out our values yesterday at Birthright Headquarters, when 200 of us rallied and blocked 3rd Avenue in one last attempt to get Birthright to confront the crisis,” read an IfNotNow email sent out Saturday night (Birthright called the cops who arrested 15 hooligans). The email continued: “And we lived out our values again today in Las Vegas, disrupting Trump. In response, we were forcibly removed as the crowd chanted ‘USA! USA! USA!’”

On Saturday night, President Trump spoke at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual leadership meeting about his pro-Israel agenda, anti-Semitism in the Democratic Party, and his claim that the Republican Party should be the home of American Jews (who remain about 70% Democrat).


The RJC crowd went wild—what pro-Israel Jew wouldn’t?—when a small group of anti-Israel IfNotNow activists “lived out their values,” showing those who are still interested, that much the way the Zionist enterprise has given life to the synthetic “Palestinian” idea, President Donald Trump is blowing life into the synthetic anti-Israel Jewish activism.

The video we found online (in Spanish, under the headline “Judíos interrumpen discurso de Trump con protestas contra Israel”) shows three young people (you can count them in the clip below, we found only three) who waited politely until Trump finished his speech and then jumped up to cry: “Jews are here to say, occupation is a plague,” which, sadly, doesn’t rhyme. They were, apparently, hauled away by security, while an exuberant Jewish crowd drowned out their slogan with “USA! USA! USA!), which doesn’t rhyme either, but was definitely booming.

RJC National Chairman, former Republican Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman, said in a statement: “The president’s foreign policy and domestic agendas have been second to no other president’s. In just two plus years, President Trump has repaired our relationship with Israel that eroded under Obama, stood up to Iran by canceling the nuclear deal, and levied unprecedented sanctions against the rogue regime, and kicked the economy into high gear.”

“His speech today highlighted why Jews are starting to see that the Republican party is the home for them. This was one of the finest speeches by the most pro-Israel President ever, and a shining moment for the RJC,” Coleman added.

I would venture that the stunts performed by IfNotNow clowns in their campaign to push their anti-Israel agenda do more to push US Jews into the arms of the GOP than do a hundred presidential speeches. The rest of the “Jews go Republican” campaign is being successfully carried out by Muslim and pro-Muslim Democratic House members.

The Saturday night IfNotNow email concluded with a promise to keep “…making our voices heard and build the new Jewish future.”

Apparently with the Republican party…

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