Photo Credit: Miriam Alster / Flash 90
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a cabinet meeting, December 31, 2023.

Israeli and American media were filled this weekend with a flurry of reports claiming to reveal details of a new “bridge agreement” proposal presented by the United States in its efforts to prevent the collapse of hostage release and ceasefire talks between Israel and Gaza’s Hamas terrorist organization.

Hamas is still holding 115 of the 251 hostages kidnapped by its operatives during the October 7th invasion of southern Israel that launched its war against Israel. It is not known how many of the remaining captives are still alive, if any.


Israel sent a full delegation to the two-day talks in Doha brokered by Qatar, Egypt and the US. Hamas did not bother to send anyone, and rejected the latest “final” proposal a few hours after the talks ended.

Unsurprisingly, it was decided by those who did attend that because there was still room for “optimism” the “final” talks would be resumed in Cairo later this week.

In his remarks at the start of Sunday’s weekly cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed reports claiming Israel may have agreed to withdraw from key areas of Gaza, including the Philadelphi Corridor — one of the top demands of Hamas and formerly a non-starter for Israel.

“Israel is prepared for any threat – both defensively and offensively. We are determined to defend ourselves and to exact a very high price from any enemy who dares to attack us – from any arena whatsoever,” Netanyahu said.

“At the same time, we are engaged in negotiations for the release of our hostages. This is a national mission of the highest order. We are holding very complex negotiations in which the other side is a murderous terrorist organization that is unbridled and obstinate,” he pointed out.

“However, I would like to emphasize: We are conducting negotiations and not a scenario in which we just give and give.

“There are things we can be flexible on and there are things that we cannot be flexible on, which we will insist on. We know how to distinguish between the two very well,” he emphasized, but did not reveal details on where Israel might show flexibility, or not.

“Alongside the major efforts we are making to return our hostages, we stand on the principles that we have determined, which are vital for the security of Israel,” Netanyahu maintained. “I reiterate: These principles are in keeping with the May 27 framework, which has received American support.

“Once again, I would like to emphasize: Up until now, Hamas has been completely obstinate. It did not even send a representative to the talks in Doha. Therefore, the pressure needs to directed at Hamas and [terror leader Yahya] Sinwar, not the Government of Israel,” Netanyahu added in what appeared to be a remark specifically directed at the mediators.

“Strong military and diplomatic pressure are the way to secure the release of our hostages.”

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was expected to arrive in Israel on Sunday for his ninth visit since the start of the war, presumably to impose more pressure on the Netanyahu government for concessions to Hamas in hopes of achieving a “win” for the Biden Administration as American presidential elections approach.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.