Photo Credit: Jamaal Bowman's Facebook
Jamaal Bowman with a friend

Democrat Jamaal Bowman who represents New York’s 16th district in Congress––which had been for years the home district of Jewish Democrat Eliot Engel––is not a friend of Israel. A member of the “Squad,” the anti-Israel caucus in the House, Bowman joined Cori Bush and Ilhan Omar in boycotting President Itzhak Herzog’s recent speech before a joint session of Congress.

Bowman said in a statement: “I’ve had the opportunity to meet President Herzog in Israel and voice my concerns and understand this pathway towards freedom and safety for Israelis and Palestinians alike. His responses to my inquiry were not aligned to moving us toward a two-state solution.”


However, in September 2021, Bowman voted in favor of providing Israel with an additional $1 billion in aid to fund its Iron Dome missile defense system, which, according to Jewish Currents, was criticized by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and sparked a debate over DSA’s support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign against Israel.

But on July 18, 2023, Bowman and eight other Squad members: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cori Bush, Andre Carson, Summer Lee, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Delia Ramirez, and Rashida Tlaib. voted against a congressional non-binding resolution that “the State of Israel is not a racist or apartheid state,” and Congress rejects “all forms of antisemitism and xenophobia,” and “the United States will always be a staunch partner and supporter of Israel.”

So, a mixed bag when it comes to Bowman’s views and actions regarding the Jewish State. And, in response, Jewish Democrats in his district, which includes the very Jewish Westchester County, have been looking for a replacement.

Turns out they found one, and AOC is furious about it.

Forward reporter Jacob Kornbluh posted on Twitter a fundraiser that was issued by AOC, saying AIPAC is trying to recruit an anti-Bowman candidate to run in NY’s 16th in November 2024. Below is the complete leaflet, which complains that “AIPAC has usually held off from opposing incumbent members of the Squad. Not this time.”

Can you imagine? Those pesky Jews don’t like the Squad Congressman so they dare to run someone else to replace him? Who do they think they are?


AOC’s anti-AIPAC fundraiser. / Screenshot

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