Photo Credit: Mayor de Blasio's Twitter
Mayor de Blasio meet with Jewish community leaders in Borough Park, May 23, 2021.

In a meeting with Borough Park Jewish leaders in the 66th Precinct stationhouse on Sunday, Mayor Bill de Blasio promised that “anti-Semitic attacks will not be tolerated here in New York City, we will stomp out anti-Semitism anywhere we find it.”

The mayor later tweeted: “Anti-Semitism isn’t just a threat to our Jewish community, it’s an attack on our entire city. Today I joined community leaders in Borough Park to send a message: we won’t turn a blind eye to this hatred. It will be confronted. The perpetrators will be brought to justice.”


De Blasio added: “The attacks we saw in Brooklyn last night were unconscionable. They were pure, unbridled anti-Semitism. And we do not need to look too far back in history to know what happens if we let that hatred go unchecked. In the coming days we will see even more NYPD presence in our Jewish communities and outside houses of worship. If you see something, say something. Report acts of hate. If you witness an act of violence, call 911. This is our city. Hatred has no place here.”

Over the past few weeks, we have reported several major anti-Semitic attacks in New York City.

Two weeks ago, hundreds of anti-Israel demonstrators gathered last week outside the Israel Embassy in New York City to protest the IDF “Operation Guardian of the Walls” military operation against Hamas. Counter-protesters were attacked and a Jewish man was bashed in the head by pro-Palestinian protesters who then chased the victim as he was being escorted by police to a safe building across the street. (In NYC: Jewish Man Bloodied by Pro-Palestinian ‘Protesters’)

A Jewish man was burned in his car from two fireworks that were thrown at him from a car belonging to Arab rioters during a solidarity with Gaza demonstration in the diamond district on west 47th Street in Manhattan around 7 PM on Thursday, the NYPD reported. Meanwhile, wilding Arab groups were scanning the streets of the city in search of “Zionists.” (Arabs Burn and Beat Jews in Midtown Manhattan as ADL Tallies 193 Anti-Semitic Incidents Tied to Gaza War)

On May 19, A mob of Arab protesters accosted two Israelis on a Manhattan street Wednesday. Turns out the two Israelis are former Golani infantry soldiers with some experience handling hostile Arabs. (Watch 2 Golani Reservists Stand Up to Arab Mob in Manhattan)

And last Saturday evening, Orthodox Jews were harassed in front of the Agudath Israel of Sixteenth Avenue Shul on 16th Avenue in Borough Park on Shabbat afternoon, by a group of men who were yelling “[expletive] the Jews,” “Kill the Jews,” and “Free Palestine.” (Anti-Semitic Mobs Harassed Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn on Shabbat)

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