Photo Credit: Daniel Arauz / Wikimedia
Black Lives Matter controls this George Floyd demonstration in Oakland, CA

A great number of the George Floyd rioters across the United States have begun to use the same vicious tactics to attack their targets – primarily police officers and their vehicles – as Palestinian Authority terrorists use.

Washington DC: Secret Service Personnel Attacked
In Washington DC, more than 50 Secret Service personnel protecting the White House were hurt by Molotov cocktails hurled by rioters within the first two days of “protests” over the death of George Floyd during his arrest by a Minneapolis police officer.


Rioters succeeded in setting the White House Guard House ablaze on Sunday night.

More than 5,000 rioters hurled Molotov cocktails and other incendiary devices — including large live fireworks — towards the direction of the White House shortly after dark, in a manner similar to Palestinian Authority terrorists attacking Israelis in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley.

NYPD Firebombed Two Consecutive Nights
In New York City, rioters employed precisely the same tactics for the same purpose.

Two sisters were arrested after hurling Molotov cocktail into an NYPD van with four police officers inside the vehicle.

Samantha Shader, 27, of Catskill, NY, has confessed to the attack; she is charged with attempted murder of a police officer, attempted arson, assault on a police officer, criminal possession of a weapon and reckless endangerment. Police said Samantha threw the firebomb through a rear window of the van, and while being arrested, allegedly bit an officer on the leg as they struggled to subdue her resistance.

Her sister, Darian Shader, 21, allegedly tried to block police from arresting Samantha and faces charges of resisting arrest and obstruction of governmental administration.

Civil rights attorney, scholar and law professor Jonathan Turley commented on his blog on Monday when discussing the incident, “The best defense would be to challenge either the allegation that she threw the device or that the device was actually explosive or flammable. A mental capacity defense is often hard to make out with there is preplanning or pre-construction of an explosive device.

“It is hard to imagine any prosecutor bargaining down this charge (ed. note: attempted murder) since, if true, there would have been four officers burned to death if the device actually went off. Unless the device did not contain a flammable or explosive liquid, Shader is looking at serious time if convicted. For a Class A felony, the maximum term is life imprisonment. Even a Class B felony includes up to 25 years in prison.”

In a second firebombing case, an Ivy League-educated New York attorney has been arrested for attacking NYPD police officers, again with a Molotov cocktail. Colinford Mattis, 32, was allegedly aided and abetted by another New York City attorney.

In addition to being an up-and-coming attorney at Pryor Cashman (currently on furlough since April due to the coronavirus situation) Mattis is also a member of Community Board 5 in East New York.

Urooj Rahman, 31, was admitted to the New York Bar in June 2019; she is accused of being the one who threw the firebomb, created from a Bud Light bottle stuffed with a rag, at an NYPD police cruiser parked outside the 88th Precinct station house in Fort Greene.

A photo was snapped with Rahman holding a black-and-white keffiyeh to her face, possibly to mask her identity, while preparing to hurl the firebomb out the passenger’s side window of the van in which she and her partner were riding early Saturday, May 30.

The attack was recorded by an NYPD surveillance camera, which showed Rahman lighting the fuse on the beer bottle and throwing it through a broken window. The explosion of the device inside the vehicle was also recorded, as was the couple’s attempt to escape.

Both Mattis and Rahman were pursued by police and caught shortly after they fled the scene in their van. The makings for a second Molotov cocktail were found in the back seat, as well as a gasoline container, according to the Department of Justice.

The FBI said in a statement: “Officers pursued the minivan and arrested Rahman and Mattis, who was the vehicle’s driver. The NYPD recovered several precursor items used to build Molotov Cocktails, including a lighter, a bottle filled with toilet paper and a liquid suspected to be gasoline in the vicinity of the passenger seat and a gasoline tank in the rear of the vehicle.”

Both Rahman and Mattis face federal charges of “causing damage by fire and explosives to a police vehicle.”

Each faces a minimum prison term of five years and a maximum sentence of 20 years, if convicted.

Palestinian Authority Terror Tactics – Why Now?
The use of Molotov cocktails and live fireworks by American rioters to attack police as a means of expressing “rage” — a vicious form of attack that up to this point was seen almost solely in attacks by Palestinian Authority terrorists against Israeli motorists, police and military personnel — is now suddenly spreading from coast to coast in violence under the banner of “Black Lives Matter,” leading to the question of where and when this idea was generated, and how its use has come into play.

The coordination of violence between the Black Lives Matter movement and ANTIFA is not yet clear; however, the results from the cooperation between the two on the streets of America from coast to coast is obvious. Cities have burned for nearly a week.

St. Louis Churches Reject Black Lives Matter’s Anti-Israel Message

“Black Lives Matter” has also long been associated with anti-Israel messaging and movements such as the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) economic war against Israel.

The “BLM” acronym was slathered in paint along with other forms of graffiti since the death of George Floyd, including such epithets as F—k Police, and in the case of synagogue buildings in Los Angeles, “Back to Palestine!”

How city authorities plan to deal with this new, upgraded level of violence and threat to their law enforcement personnel remains to be seen.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.