Photo Credit: NYC Mayor's Office
NYC Mayor Eric Adams

New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams is one of the most pro-Israel mayors the city has ever had. He is one of the strongest supporters of the Jewish community the city has ever had. New York has the largest Jewish population in the world outside of the State of Israel.

When Hamas terrorists unleashed unspeakable horrors on October 7 during their invasion of southern Israel, Adams stepped up at a rally the following week to deliver a strong speech slamming the atrocities, and supporting Israel.


New York City Mayor Eric Adams: ‘Just Four Words’ on Israel

But Mayor Adams has an uphill battle ahead of him, exacerbated by the barbaric massacre of Israeli Jews living along the Gaza border, carried out on October 7 and in the days that followed, by the Iranian-backed Hamas terrorist organization.

Thousands of New Yorkers have marched, protested, and rioted since the atrocities that prompted Israel’s Iron Swords War against the terrorist group.

But the protesters were marching in support of the bloodthirsty HAMAS terror organization. The marchers called for the annihilation of the Jewish State of Israel in Times Square, and at Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn, and in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn as well.

At each demonstration, pro-Israel activists held counter protests – a brave move, considering some of the violence seen at past anti-Israel demonstrations in the city.

But NYPD officers were prepared this time and were out in force.

On October 8, the first day following the invasion of southern Israel by Hamas, thousands of anti-Israel protesters took over Times Square, waving Palestinian Authority flags and slogan-bearing placards, and chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

The meaning of that little jingle is unmistakable: erase the State of Israel and annihilate its Jewish inhabitants.

One demonstrator was seen waving his cell phone with a large screenshot of a swastika. It’s not hard to imagine what he had in mind.

“Israeli Apartheid & Genocide. Zionism is Genocide,” some of the signs said. “Defend Palestine. Zionism is Genocide.” “Resistance against occupation is a human right.”

Some 3,000 protesters were marching on October 13 in the city.l

The crowd, which gathered first in Times Square, marched to the Israeli Consulate in Manhattan, waving Palestinian Authority flags and chanting “Stop the occupation. Stop the deaths.”

Thousands of pro-Hamas supporters protested throughout the afternoon on October 21 in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn, shutting down 5th Avenue and clashing with police who tried to clear the roadway for traffic. At around 6 pm, protesters climbed on an MTA bus to make their point.

NYPD officials said 19 people were detained and 16 others were cited for disorderly conduct. Three others faced more serious charges, like resisting arrest, according to ABC News.

Police officers were pushed, shoved and struck by some of the demonstrators, a police spokesperson said. “Officers were struck with flying debris which included eggs, fireworks and bottles.”

“Stop the genocide,” the placards read. “Free Free Palestine.” “It is right to RESIST.”

But resist what? Israel withdrew every civilian and soldier from Gaza in August 2005; Gaza is indeed occupied, but by its OWN PEOPLE and the Iranian-ruled masters they themselves voted into power.

The sad reality is that truth, facts, logic and rationality have no place here, or in any other arena when antisemitism reigns supreme.

Welcome back to 1938.

One demonstrator interviewed by LLN NYC explained she was protesting American funding for “the one state that continues its terrorism on Palestinian people. They want to exterminate Palestine,” she said, clearly close to tears.

“They keep saying they have the right to defend themselves. How do you have the right to defend yourself when you’re the occupier?” this young woman asked, insisting Israel is the aggressor.

“You’re the one that’s attacking these people. They have the right to defend themselves and if you don’t see it, you need to wake up because one Palestinian dies every five minutes,” she declared, brandishing a cardboard sign saying the same.

“A Palestinian child dies every 15 minutes. Wake up. Half the population in Gaza is children; more than half of them are younger than 18. Who are you defending yourself against? You’re killing the children . . . You’re massacring these people. America needs to stop funding these people.”

And on and on. The truly tragic – and frightening – thing is, this sweet young woman really believes the lies she was parroting.

Another anti-Israel demonstration was scheduled for Sunday afternoon in Paterson New Jersey.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.