Photo Credit: Crown Heights Shomrim / Twitter
Gang who attacked two young Jewish boys, several Jewish adults in Crown Heights, January 2023

NYPD police officers are hunting for a gang of four teenage boys who attacked two younger boys Sunday night in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn.


The two victims were walking to an afterschool Torah learning program when they were attacked by the gang at around 6 pm near the corner of Albany Avenue and Eastern Parkway.

Not a word was spoken, and there was no provocation, before the boys were punched in the face multiple times.

Nevertheless, following the attack, the two boys continued on to their learning program; only when they reached their home did their father learn about the attack and contact the Shomrim civil patrol, which opened a probe and filed a police report.

But there was more.

Later the same night, Shomrim received reports about the same gang having harassed a Jewish husband and wife, and a Jewish woman walking alone, all in the same community.

Apparently the teen gang realized that adults might be able to hit back: no physical assault was reported in either incident.

Police have been reviewing security video footage from the area documenting the incidents.

Members of the public with any information about the above incidents are asked to either call 911 or Crown Heights Shomrim.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.