Photo Credit: Ron English / X video screengrab
Pro-Hamas activists shut down the entrances to New York City's rebuilt World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan on Dec. 28, 2023

Pro-Hamas activists shut down the entrances to the World Trade Center site in New York City’s Lower Manhattan on Thursday night, barely 24 hours after shutting down the main highway leading to JFK International Airport in Queens with a similar protest.

Hamas Supporters Block Road to Airports in New York City, Los Angeles


The protesters were beating drums and chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” “Free free Palestine” and “Intifada revolution” as they milled around the building built in place of the iconic Twin Towers that were destroyed in the “9/11” attack on America by the Al Qaeda terrorist organization 22 years ago.

At least one jihadist bellowed “Allahu Akbar!” in an Arabic accent as well. Several people dressed up as Hamas terrorists posed for photos in front of an entrance to the building as police officers stood guard on the interior side of the glass doors.

The 9/11 attacks included four coordinated radical Islamist suicide terror attacks using hijacked passenger planes. Two of the hijacked aircraft struck and destroyed both Twin Towers, one hit the Pentagon in Washington DC and a fourth hijacked aircraft headed for the White House that was diverted by passengers who attacked the hijackers and instead crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.

The New York Police Department (NYPD) is preparing for the possibility that pro-Hamas activists and other troublemakers will also try to disrupt the city’s New Year’s Eve celebrations that take place annually in Times Square.

Since October 7th, when Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization invaded southern Israel and launched a war against the Jewish State, there have been 485 anti-Israel demonstrations in New York City alone, with more than 161,000 screaming their hate for Israel.

On October 7th, thousands of Hamas-led terrorists attacked a music festival and dozens of communities and military bases in southern Israel in the early hours of the Simchat Torah holiday that fell on Shabbat. The invaders tortured, beheaded, mutilated, dismembered, raped and burned alive more than 1,200 people and kidnapped 250 others, dragging them into Gaza while their fellow terrorists fired hundreds of rockets and missiles at other communities throughout the Jewish State.

Hamas Official: Prepared to Repeat October 7 Operation ‘Until Israel is Annihilated’

Hamas makes no secret of its dedication to the annihilation of the Jewish State — stated in its founding charter — in addition to recent confirmation by a Hamas spokesperson that the terror group fully intends to carry out additional “October 7th” attacks, “again and again and again” until it succeeds in erasing the State of Israel and its Jews.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.