Photo Credit: Shimon Gifter
Mayoral Candidate Sal Albanese with a potential voter on 13th Avenue in Boro Park, Brooklyn.

He may be considered a long-shot, but Sal Albanese doesn’t take any vote for granted. It’s the Rick Santorum strategy, which bought the latter a spot in the national field of presidential candidates by winning Iowa. If that means putting on a yarmulke, greeting voters, and listening to their concerns during the Erev Shabbos shopping rush, so be it.

Our photo journalist contributor, Shimon Gifter, accompanied Democratic mayoral hopeful Sal Albanese during his meet and greet on 13th avenue, the heart of Borough Park, last Friday afternoon. In a recent conversation with this reporter, Mr. Albanese vowed “to compete heavily in the Jewish community, too,” adding, “The things we are saying will resonate well among Jewish voters.”


“I’m gonna’ do it. I am going to campaign in Borough Park aggressively” he said.

At least on that campaign promise, Mr. Albanese delivered. Voters, and not community leaders who pop up at every single meeting, voters who are not used seeing citywide elected officials or candidates running for office since the Giuliani and Pataki days, warmly greeted Mr. Albanese, if not for his policies, at least for the effort and for his willingness to listen.

Below is the 26 minute-long video of Mr. Albanese’s Borough Park campaign tour.

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Jacob Kornbluh is described as an up and coming Orthodox Jewish Blogger, writing about Local, national and Israeli politics, and a freelance reporter for various publications. Kornbluh's work has been featured in Haaretz, the NY Times, local blogs, and on local Jewish Radio, Kornbluh also covers the NYC 2013 mayoral race in general and a focus on the Jewish vote in particular at: Follow Jacob on Twitter @jacobkornbluh and his daily blog: